Challenge Yourself - Photograph what someone else likes!

Hi again everyone! As October starts heading into November, it can be difficult sometimes to find subjects that make us think “yes! that would make a great shot!”…but remember what I say on my courses: Photography, like all art, is subjective and beauty often is in the eye of the beholder…some like Picasso, others find beauty in the Impressionist styles and others prefer modern art; it is the same with photography.

So…to mix it up a bit in November, I’m challenging you to challenge yourself and to go out with your camera and with someone else and ask them to tell you what catches their eye 👀, and then take the best photo you can…you might surprise yourself with the result!

I know many of you will have seen this shot before of the 2-3mm long grass seeds in the rain drop but it’s worth putting it up here again…not only was it my wife who suggested I try to photograph the grass glittering beside the track that resulted in this great shot, it also reinforced another lesson you’ll often hear me say on the photography workshops and courses: Never walk on by…

This particular shot was halfway up a steep and long hill and my inclination was to keep on going to conquer the hill and capture them on the return journey. I didn’t, I made myself stop and it is just as well…on the return journey, the light was flat, not sunny and the wind had got up and had blown a lot of the rain drops off…so…never walk on by when something catches your eye!


Bonfire Night! - Why do we have it and how do we photograph fireworks?


The Three ‘P’s of Photography