Panoramic Photography
The Course
Would you like to explore the wonderful genre of specialist panoramic photography in the wide vistas available across Loch Tay and Glen Lyon?
This is an intermediate to advanced level course so to get the most from this course, you will need to be familiar with your camera and be comfortable with the relationship between ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed - if you don’t feel confident with those yet, why not get in touch to sign up for my Photography for Beginners Course and we can take your photography knowledge to the next level?
The Panoramic Photography Course can be run either as a half day or a full day, depending on how many of the course topics you would like us to cover.
Course Topics
Planning the shoot
Budget and professional level equipment
Camera settings
Nodal rail setup and use
Use of filters
Panoramic workflow
Post shoot processing in Lightroom (also available as part of a separate course)