What can you photograph on a rainy day?

You’re itching to get the camera out and practice all that you’ve learnt about great composition, balancing the exposure triangle and chasing the light…but it’s raining, the cloud has descended and you can’t see more than a couple of hundred metres 🥴. What to do…what to do…🤔💭

Photographers are an inventive and artistic bunch of folk, crafting the perfect composition, framing the perfect shot, and sometimes all it needs is a nudge with a new idea to get the creativity flowing.

Here are five nudges!

1 - Capture a water drop in a garden or park

Raindrops give wonderful opportunities for reflections

The one thing that rain is guaranteed to do is get everything wet…and if you look carefully, you can always find something that catches your eye!

2 -Try your hand at “On Black” photography

“On Black” Photography of a Peacock feather

Putting a subject against a black background can really make its features stand out - you can do this with many different subjects so let your imagination run wild! Knowing your way round Lightroom will be a great help to get the best contrast with the background.

3 - Build and photograph a “mini scene”

A macro photograph of a construction site made up from M&Ms, KitKat and a marshmallow

A different perspective on a construction site!

Feeling creative and imaginative and really ready to let loose your fun side? Building a miniature scene like this can be great fun and the possibilities are endless! Go for 1:87 or 1:75 scale figures and start to look at everyday objects around the house and garden a bit differently…make your imagination go macro and see what you can come up with…

4 - Start a photography project

Home made drinks coasters make great Christmas or birthday presents.

Not all rainy day activity has to be about taking new photos, sometimes it is great fun to be creative or inventive with ones you’ve already got on the computer.

Maybe you want to refresh the photos on the fridge, create a calendar or make a photobook of your best photos of the year? You could use your photos to make some home made Christmas presents using one of the various online providers, or just settle down with a nice warm cup of something and catch up on the Lightroom editing that you’ve maybe been putting off for a rainy day…that rainy day is here now so there’s no more putting it off 😂!

5 - Have a go at macro photography inside

Miniature crystal swans on wood

You don’t need to be outside to capture some great macro shots like this pair of miniature crystal swans reflecting the dark polished wood…explore your home and you’ll be amazed at what you can do with some imagination, a bit of lighting and the right lens configuration…and remember, if you don’t have a dedicated macro lens you can buy extension tubes for your camera or clip on macro lenses for your smartphone.

What else could you do?

If you have other ideas for what to do on a rainy day with your camera or your photos, please let me know in the comments below!


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